TK Bakery App 界面提升 & 会员推荐计划
立即在Google Play商店 和 Apple App Store 更新到最新版本的 TK Bakery 应用程序
Update to the Latest Version of TK Bakery App Now at Google Play Store and Apple App Store
TK Bakery App 界面提升 & 会员推荐计划
TK Bakery App Interface Enhancement & Membership Referral Program
为了让您有更好的购物体验,TK Bakery App 将于 2025 年1月1日起,更新及提升 TK Bakery App的界面。
1. 首页显示的 ”My Balance” (TK 钱包) 将被 “My Point” (会员积分) 替代,让您更轻松看到所累积的分数。有关TK 钱余额,您目前还是可以在界面的右下角 “More” 按键查看到自己的 TK 钱包余额。
2. 之前的 “Pay” 按键将被 “Referral” 按键替代。于此,您的会员扫码已经直接显示于首页,这让您更方便省时地扫描及获取积分。“Referral” 按键是为奖励会员而特别设定的会员介绍制度。您可以发送您的 "Referral Code" 链接给未有TK Bakery会员的亲朋好友。当对方下载 TK Bakery App,注册时填写您的 “Referral Code” 并成功加入会员后,你与这位新会员将各自获得TK Bakery奖励的20 积分。
To provide you with a better shopping experience, the TK Bakery App will be updating and enhancing its interface starting from January 1, 2025.
The updated interface will include the following changes:
- The “My Balance” (TK Wallet) displayed on the homepage will be replaced with “My Point” (Membership Points), making it easier for you to see the points you have accumulated. As for your TK Wallet balance, you can still view it by clicking the "More" button at the bottom right corner of the interface.
- The previous "Pay" button will be replaced by the "Referral" button. Your membership barcode will now be displayed directly on the homepage, making it more convenient and time-saving for you to scan and earn points. The "Referral" button is part of a reward program for members. You can send your Referral Code link to friends and family who are not yet TK Bakery members. When they download the TK Bakery App, enter your “Referral Code” during registration, and successfully become a member, both you and the new member will each receive 20 points reward by TK Bakery.
We understand that changes may raise some questions, so during this transition period, our team is always ready to assist and provide any necessary support. Thank you for your continued support and trust, and we look forward to delivering an even better service and experience to you in the coming days.
Terms & Conditions Apply:
TK Bakery 保留随时修改或终止推荐计划的权利,恕不另行通知。
TK Bakery reserves the right to modify or terminate the Referral program at any time, with or without prior notice.