【10% CNY Cookies Promotion】
【棠记会员春节福利年饼优惠 现已开售】
TK Bakery棠记兄弟饼家的棠你发财兔年饼系列又怎么可能迟到!现已上架开售
在 2022年12月21日 至 2023年1月20日 期间凡购买任意3罐棠记年饼的会员,即可享有10%的优惠折扣
这次的棠记年饼依然口味繁多,只等你来品尝 TK Bakery棠记兄弟饼家 E-store 或任一门店皆有出售哦
2023Chinese New Year is just around the corner!
It’s time for the annual pre-Chinese New Year pilgrimage for CNY cookies!
TK Bakery has already got prepared to give you some festive treats
Starting from 21st December 2022 till 20th of January 2023, every TK member is entitled to the 10% OFF Promo* for any 3 jars of TK CNY cookies purchased
It isn’t Chinese New Year without your hands constantly full with something to snack on. Let’s Fatt Choi Too together at any TK Bakery outlet or E-store
*Terms & Conditions Apply
*For TK members only
赶快下载棠记APP即可免费成为棠记会员 Easily download TK App to become member for FREE
TK Website:https://www.tk2you.com/en/ctgre-store
#tkbakery #tkcare #eggtarts #inhousedelivery #陪伴你人生每个重要的时光 #一份份诚意百分百满意 #留传真味道 #棠记发财兔